DMGroup at the 67th Annual Fall Conference of the Council of the Great City Schools
Our founder and CEO, John Kim, and members of our team attended the 67th Annual Fall Conference of the Council of the Great City Schools held in San Diego, October 25-29, 2023. Two of our district partners presented at the conference and highlighted successful projects they implemented with DMGroup:
Fort Worth Independent School District (TX) talked about how they are successfully transforming their strategic budgeting approach using actionable insights from their initiatives inventory and A-ROI analyses.
East Baton Rouge Parish School System(LA) shared their remarkable work increasing oral reading fluency by 75% in just ten weeks for their most at-risk third-grader through DMGroup's Breakthrough Results (BTR) Program.
The Council of the Great City Schools brought together 78 nation’s largest urban public school systems in a coalition dedicated to the improvement of education for children in the inner cities. In this year’s conference, member school districts shared their stories on urban school achievement, professional development, leadership and governance, finance, ELA issues, and others.
We thank our district partners for sharing your work with fellow Council of Great City Schools districts and look forward to celebrating many more milestones together.